english culture essay

My Step-by-Step Outline for Earning $100/hour Writing Online

What if I could teach you how to earn $100 today, for just one hour’s worth of your time? You don’t need any experience whatsoever, you can work from home in your pajamas, and your earning potential is unlimited. You’d probably think I were a snake oil salesman trying to pull a con, but you’d be wrong.

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom trying to earn a bit of extra cash or you’re a full-time freelance writer hungry for work, this job is for you. The premise is simple: write an article on absolutely anything that interests you, set your price, and cash your check.

So, uh, what’s the catch, right? There’s not one.

Last year, I wrote a simple review on writing for Constant Content. This marketplace makes it easy to connect with buyers looking for great content. You don’t need a fancy degree or a laundry list of qualifications, you simply need to have great writing skills. The review I wrote in 2015 has consistently remained one of my most popular blog posts since its publication date, so I decided to conduct a little experiment over Christmas.

Let me set the scene…

Iowa's 20 million pigs easily outnumber its residents, nearly seven-to-one. Yup.

Iowa’s 20 million pigs easily outnumber its residents, nearly seven-to-one. Oink.

I was bored and sitting at my parents’ home in the middle of rural Iowa. They don’t have broadband Internet service (it’s not available where they live—I know, it’s shocking to me, too) and nobody else was home. With no Facebook or YouTube to waste my time, I decided to write an article for the heck of it. I’d finished all of my “normal” work for the week, and most of my clients were off the grid enjoying holiday celebrations themselves.

“Hmm…what to write?” I asked myself. Since I was craving the simple satisfaction of perusing my Facebook feed, I decided social media was as good of a topic as any. I quickly brainstormed a few article titles, wrote my piece, and promptly forgot about it. Total time commitment? 30 minutes.

My time tracking figures for the article in question.

My time tracking figures for the article in question.

I uploaded my completed article to Constant Content after making my way back to New York City. I received the notification of it’s acceptance on January 12, 2016.

Yesterday, I received the payment notification. From acceptance until purchase, my article spent 51 days on the site. Constant Content takes its cut off the top of the article cost, leaving me with a net of $48.75. I tracked my total time writing and submitting this piece at 30 minutes, giving me an hourly rate of $97.50. Not too shabby! ccsale2016

Ready to get started? I carefully dissected the various pros and cons of writing for Constant Content in my review. The biggest caveat is simply the risk involved: while it costs nothing to post your article on the service, there is no guarantee you’ll land a sale. Having said that, I’ve found that the vast majority of the work does ultimately find a buyer. I’ve made about $1k using Constant Content to sell articles, but some people make a full-time job out of writing on the site.

Have you ever used Constant Content to make money online? Would you recommend it to other writers? Some people think it’s a glorified content mill—do you agree?

Want a cheat sheet for writing for Constant Content?

Sign up for my newsletter to discover how to find the bestselling topics, review a sample of the titles I’ve sold (and their purchase prices), and receive my free spreadsheet for tracking your net profit on the site. Simply enter your email below to get the PDF!

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