45 Free WordPress Themes for Freelancers
Outfit your site in style with 45 free WordPress themes for freelance writers. These powerful templates offer the same appeal of premium themes, without the eye-popping sticker price.
Read More5 Smartest Moves for Freelancers Striving to Earn Money Online in 2015
Ready to take your freelance writing career to the next level but not quite certain what to do? Consider these five business moves for any freelance writer serious about maximizing their earning potential.
Read MoreMy Two Week Productivity Challenge
Unlike the workdays of traditional nine-to-five employees, routines constantly change for freelance writers. If you’re anything like myself, this uncertainty serves to keep a freelancing career fresh and interesting. Having said that, the ever-evolving deadlines, rotating rosters of clients, and various administrative tasks associated with keeping your writing business afloat can put a serious damper…
Read MoreWriter’s Confession: I Regret Not Joining Social Media Sooner
I like to think of myself as a pretty aware guy, particularly when it comes to technology. I was an earlier adopter of what we now call “smartphones,” I used to download podcasts via my PC and transfer them to my clunky iPod back in the day, and my hosting account with BlueHost is quickly…
Read MoreBusiness Banking: Do Freelance Writers Need Separate Checking Accounts?
So, you’ve invested your time prudently, signed your first freelance contract, and you’ve just received your very first payment! It’s an exciting time in your freelance career, but now that you have earnings to speak of, it’s important to address a topic that sends shivers up many a freelance writer’s spine: accounting and taxes. I’ll…
Read More3 Reasons to Reconsider Textbroker in 2015
Ah, Textbroker. If you’ve spent any time working as a freelancer, you’ve likely heard the name tossed around, often with a few expletives thrown in for good measure. Few sites have as many detractors as Textbroker, the once-thriving content mill that has watched a large portion of its market share dissipate over the course of…
Read MoreAffordable, Secure Email: Using Google Apps for Your Business
It’s easy to make a misstep when launching your freelance career, but there’s one mistake I consistently see freelance writers and small business owners make: using a free email service for their business correspondence. In the grand scheme of things, perhaps using a free webmail client isn’t the absolute worst mistake you could possibly make,…
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