My Two Week Productivity Challenge

Unlike the workdays of traditional nine-to-five employees, routines constantly change for freelance writers. If you’re anything like myself, this uncertainty serves to keep a freelancing career fresh and interesting. Having said that, the ever-evolving deadlines, rotating rosters of clients, and various administrative tasks associated with keeping your writing business afloat can put a serious damper…

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3 Reasons to Reconsider Textbroker in 2015

Ah, Textbroker. If you’ve spent any time working as a freelancer, you’ve likely heard the name tossed around, often with a few expletives thrown in for good measure. Few sites have as many detractors as Textbroker, the once-thriving content mill that has watched a large portion of its market share dissipate over the course of…

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Affordable, Secure Email: Using Google Apps for Your Business

It’s easy to make a misstep when launching your freelance career, but there’s one mistake I consistently see freelance writers and small business owners make: using a free email service for their business correspondence. In the grand scheme of things, perhaps using a free webmail client isn’t the absolute worst mistake you could possibly make,…

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