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Writing for Constant Content: A Simple Overview for Freelancers

constant-content-logoWhen I first started writing online, I had little experience and no clients. In an effort to make my first dollars, I joined content mills like Textbroker, where I would make a few cents for every word I wrote. That’s a recipe for disappointment and complete burnout, not to mention, a waste of time.

If you’re serious about building a freelance writing career, finding recurring clients and steady, ongoing work should be your priority. And yet, building a healthy career takes time. Few writers manage to catapult their workload from zero to full throttle in a few short months on the job. In the interim, however, you’ve still got rent to pay.

Constant Content soldConstant Content offers an alternative income source for writers, and assuming you write decently well, you can earn a decent wage. I sold an 870-word article just last week on Constant Content for $85. (see screenshot) If you do the math, that’s a pay rate of approximately .10/word, which is a big step up from $5 articles on a content mill.

Interested in more information? Consider the following Constant Content review to learn more about how it works, what you can earn, and whether you can consider Constant Content for full-time work.

How it Works

So, you think writing for Constant Content sounds like a nice way to boost your income? Fortunately, getting started is pretty easy. You’ll need to fill out the application form, answer a few quiz questions, and submit a writing sample on a given topic. Assuming everything goes well, you’ll receive your acceptance confirmation within five business days.

Once you’re accepted, you can start writing work and submitting it to the marketplace. An editor from Constant Content will review your work for grammatical errors before it hits the market. If the editor notices a problem, the work is flagged for your review. You can fix the issue and resubmit as necessary.

What Will I Write?

If you want to be a writer online, I’m sure I don’t need to sell you on the benefits of content marketing. Webmasters need unique content to capture search traffic, establish authority in their respective niches, and keep readers engaged. Of course, generating that content takes time and effort, which is why many busy web publishers turn to sources like Constant Content to find articles and blog posts for their site.

Unlike content mills that provide specific topics to cover, Constant Content allows its writers to submit any articles they’d like. You choose your topic, title, keywords, length, and price. Pet care? Real estate? Technology? Write what you will and sell it for a nice profit.

Constant Content also features requests from publishers, as well specific projects. For example, a client may request articles on healthcare topics, specifying a length of 650 words, along with a budget of $45. Any authors can submit articles for consideration, and if chosen, the work is purchased immediately. If the client rejects the article, it can be sold to the general pool of clients.

Specific projects offer pools of assignments a writer can claim for a set price. In this scenario, there is no pitching involved.

How Much Can I Earn?

Constant Content earnings vary greatly across the board. I gave you an example above with a total sale price of .10/word, but some writers price their work at lower rates to attract more buyers. Of course, you’re free to price your work higher too, though you should be aware of the market value of your piece. A simple 500-word blog on potty training your puppy probably isn’t going to find a buyer at $250.

What’s the Catch?

Blog posts at $60, $70, and $80 a piece? I can imagine plenty of hungry writers asking, what’s the catch?

First, it’s important to note that sale prices include a commission for Constant Content—and it’s a doozy. As a writer, you receive 65% of the sale price, with the other 35% headed to Constant Content. That $85 piece referenced above netted me $55.25. Yep, a single sale of my work earned Constant Content $30!

It’s a lot, but remember, you’re not paying for the website, hosting, marketing, payment processing or editing. And of course, you’re free to mark up your work with the commission in mind. For example, if you want to earn $50 for a particular piece, you’ll need to set the price at about $77.

Secondly, there is no guarantee your work will sell. Most articles do eventually sell, but a theoretical future sale isn’t going to put money in your wallet today.

The Bottom Line

I no longer write for Constant Content regularly, and I haven’t done so in a few years.  I don’t even know when the article I sold last week was written! Right now, it feels like “free money” when I receive a SOLD notification, but I’m actually just reaping the rewards of work I put in a long time ago.

Over the course of time, I’ve written 55 articles for Constant Content and 31 of those have sold. At an average of $50/piece, that’s a significant chunk of change, but it’s not exactly a salary. But I’ve made over nearly two grand working with them, and at one point in my career, those single article sales kept me afloat.

If you’re inexperienced and hungry for work, Constant Content pays a lot better than some other options. And, it’s worth noting that some authors make writing for Constant Content a full-time job.

 Have you ever written for Constant Content? Would you recommend doing so or steering clear? Any tips for writers looking to get their feet wet?


  1. LiLi on April 9, 2016 at 11:46 am

    Excellent post, and I appreciate the insight. I am a bit concerned because while I do write articles well, I have NO professional experience doing so except for my own blog work. I wonder if buyers will be dissuaded because of that? Either way, thank you for your thorough review.

    • Adam on April 9, 2016 at 11:14 pm

      Hey LiLi,

      Thanks for your comment! Getting started landing clients can certainly prove challenging, which is one of the reasons I’ve enjoyed writing for Constant Content in the past. Potential buyers get to view the article you’ve written before committing to buy it, which takes away a lot of the trepidation some clients feel working with unexperienced freelancers.

      I’ve found most buyers on Constant Content aren’t looking for a particular sort of freelance writer—they’re just looking for exceptional articles. If you can produce those, you have a great shot at making sales.

      Best of luck to you in your freelance journey, LiLi!

  2. TheWordJester on April 20, 2017 at 9:27 am

    That was one of the most useful reviews of “anything” I have read on the Internet. Not surprised in the least that you have experienced success as a content writer.

    This appears to be an appealing option to slap down some content, with the objective of gaining some exposure and establishing a stronger online presence as an author.


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